10 Nov 2021

Haughton River upgrade project to provide flood resilient access for North Queensland

BMD’s civil works component of the $514.3 million Haughton River Floodplain Upgrade project south of Townsville is set to be complete in the next few weeks, providing safe and flood-resilient travel for North Queenslanders.

Flooding has historically inundated parts of the Bruce Highway at Giru (including over the Haughton River), with public and transport operators forced to wait for the water to recede during road closures.

The existing low-lying highway has now been replaced with the construction of 13.5 kilometres of dual carriageway and several new bridges, providing safer and more flood resilient access between Ayr and Townsville.

The project is being delivered by The Infrastructure Group (TIG), a joint venture between Bielby, BMD Constructions, JF Hull Holdings and Albem Operations, on behalf of the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

BMD is proud of our involvement in the upgrade of one of Queensland’s most complex floodplains which, throughout construction, has supported an estimated 544 jobs and will provide benefits to North Queensland for years to come.

The half-billion-dollar Haughton River Floodplain Upgrade project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments on an 80:20 basis, with contributions of $411.4 million and $102.9 million respectively.