
Tiger Brennan Drive Duplication

Darwin City, Northern Territory
$88 million
Northern Territory Government – Department of Infrastructure
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About the project

BMD successfully duplicated Tiger Brennan Drive via a managing contractor delivery method, a first in a public civil project for the Territory, and resulted in a number of smaller contracts tendered, providing opportunity for local businesses to become involved.

Not only was this a first for the Territory, but it was BMD’s first appointment to a managing contractor role. BMD was responsible for the appointment of local suppliers and contractors to construct the project’s three separable portions. In line with the project vision ‘Driving growth in the Territory’, a significant focus was placed on enhancing local capacity, value for money, Indigenous engagement, as well as minimal traffic disruption and strong community engagement.

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Upgrading of 9 kilometres of road from a two lane, single carriageway to a four-lane, dual carriageway and future proofing to allow for three lanes each way

65,000m3 of cut to fill

Construction of a new bridge at Hidden Valley overpass

221,500m2 of pavement

Soil mixing ground improvement works in mangrove areas

121,000m2 of seal

Additional flood mitigation works including drainage structures and culvert construction to accommodate seasonal wet weather

78,000m2 of asphalt

Water main relocation

66 kilovolt and 11 kilovolt electrical relocations

Public utility plant protection works

22,500m2 of shared user path


BMD is proud to have met client expectations and delivered on all project objectives, including improving safety and pedestrian movements at intersections, improving connectivity with eased congestion and improvement in traffic flow whilst catering for long-term growth in the area.

92% of the project suppliers and contractors were sourced locally.

23.5% Indigenous engagement at peak.

Total of 15 trainees undertaking studies on-the-job with 10 of these being Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainees.

Awarded additional scope for the Ludmilla flood mitigation contract.