Molonglo River Bridge
Whitlam, ACT
$192 million
Federal and ACT governments
In progress
About the project
BMD Constructions is delivering Canberra’s largest weathering steel bridge project to date – a 200-metre crossing over the region’s largest river.
The project also includes 1.7 kilometres of newly constructed arterial roads, improving connectivity between the growing suburbs of Molonglo and West Belconnen and the rest of Canberra.
Cast-in-situ substructure and composite weathering steel with reinforced concrete superstructure
Two abutments each bearing on 8 reinforced concrete piles, measuring 1.5 metres in diameter
Three 2.5 metre diameter pier columns encased in weathering steel liners, supporting a common 40-metre-wide headstock
Spans up to 80 metres, with a two-stage deck construction.
Four separated plank bridges to create a pedestrian underpass
Twin viewing platforms over Molonglo Valley
Expanded off-road cycling and shared pedestrian and cyclist paths.
1.7 kilometres of new arterial roads and two intersections
211,000 cubic metres of cut earthworks with balanced cut/fill management
On site production of structural treatments for various road materials
5 kilometres of drainage, including construction of 290 pits, and 8 kilometres of subsoil drains
116 kilometres of conduit through 4 kilometres of shared trench
Delivered the bridge’s substructure and prepared for establishing the heavy lift crane
Wrapped up stage two of the project’s traffic switch – which opened work fronts on the Sculthorpe Avenue intersection by diverting traffic onto a 400 metre newly constructed alignment north of the river
Achieved 90% of the 211,000m3 of earthworks across six cuts and seven fills
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