
New Fitzroy River Bridge

Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia
$244 million
Main Roads Western Australia

About the project

The New Fitzroy River Bridge Project stands as a testament to what can be achieved through innovative design, strong collaboration, and a commitment to community engagement. The project - delivered by the Fitzroy Bridge Alliance, comprising of BMD Constructions, Georgiou and BG&E - was engaged by Main Roads Western Australia for the critical rebuild of the Fitzroy River Bridge, in Fitzroy, Western Australia. The project was initiated in response to the January 2023 flooding caused by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie. The original bridge suffered irreparable damage, severing the crucial link between East and West Kimberley.

Scope of work

Demolition and removal of the old bridge

Design and construction of the new bridge spanning 270 metres long and 12.4 metres wide, including a shared pedestrian path

The rebuild of approximately 1 kilometre of road on the western approach and 500 metres on the eastern approach

Additional scope of works on the eastern approach included 700 metres of embankment rock protection works to safeguard the new bridge and upstream properties along the bank, against further flooding events



The bridge was delivered six months ahead of schedule

Strong collaboration with local and national suppliers and contractors

Working closely with Traditional Owners from all five language groups in the Fitzroy Valley, resulted in the employment of over 250 local workers

Innovative design and construction techniques, including modular precast piers and weathering steel deck sections

Adopted a launched bridge methodology to mitigate risk of delays due to rising river levels. Incremental launch in eight 35.3-meter segments, optimised to four days

Emphasis on sustainability and carbon reduction

No class one or two environmental incidents occurred

A notable safety record with no lost-time injuries (LTIs)

Sometimes big projects like this can feel like it’s us versus them, however, this project felt like we were all building the bridge together. The Fitzroy Bridge Alliance quickly became a part of the Fitzroy family.

Willigan Ross, Bunuba Traditional Owner/Elder and local business owner


Infrastructure Partnerships Australia National Infrastructure Awards
Industry Choice Award and Contractor Excellence Award

CCF WA Industry and Training Awards
Aboriginal Engagement Award
Aboriginal Enterprise Award (Gurama Yani U)

Master Builders Western Australia Kimberley-Pilbara Excellence Awards
Best Civil Engineering Works over $100,000,000
Best Regional Project - Kimberley-Pilbara Award

Master Builders Western Australia Awards for Excellence in Construction, Housing and Regional Building
Best Regional Project Award