28 Feb 2023

Landed Fitzroy Crossing Bridge in the Kimberley region of Western Australia


BMD Constructions together with Georgiou has been announced as the preferred proponent to deliver the Fitzroy Crossing Bridge in the Kimberley region.

Preliminary design investigations already underway, the project has been fast-tracked to restore connectivity as a result of the existing bridge sustaining significant damage from Tropical Cyclone Ellie in December 2022.

The project involves the construction of a new two-lane bridge over the Fitzroy River on the same alignment as the existing bridge.

With considerable experience in bridge construction across regional and remote parts of Western Australia, our team has the resources and capacity to commence work as soon as possible after the current wet season in May.

With a history of working within the Kimberley region and engaging the local suppliers, Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Corporations, we are looking forward to maximising employment opportunities in the Fitzroy Crossing community and the wider region.

Read more on the project.