BMD Constructions_Port Capacity Project - Roads and Services_Victoria

Port Capacity Project – Roads and Services Package

Port Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria
$90 million
Port of Melbourne Corporation

About the project

The project was delivered on schedule, on budget and with over 750,000 hours lost time injury free. Construction was safely and successfully delivered under heavy traffic conditions with 30,000 vehicles per day, including approximately 12,000 commercial vehicles travelling along Todd Road, Cook Street, the Westgate on/off ramps, and Williamstown Road.


Construction of new road connections, Kooringa Way and Webb Dock Drive, which linked Webb Dock to Melbourne’s arterial road network

Widening of Todd Road, Cook Street and the Westgate on and off ramps

Conversion of the roundabouts at Cook Street and the Westgate ramps to signalised intersections

Major service relocations including HV/LV power, Telstra, Optus, NBN, pipe works, Megaport and VicRoads assets

Installation of new services throughout the Port precinct including stormwater drainage, CCTV, sewer, five new pump stations, water, Telstra and high voltage ring main re-coating of the major gas and oil pipeline that services Melbourne and greater Victoria

Construction of ‘buffer zones’ including 2500m2 of timber boardwalk, 850 metres of noise wall with a moveable gate, an observation tower at Webb Point, new shared user paths and activity nodes

Construction of 6590m2 of exposed aggregate concrete pavements, 1200m2 of granitic sand paths and 400m2 of bluestone pavements

Construction of a 24 metre timber boardwalk installed on screw pile foundations

Supply and installation of over 180,000 plants to gardens and buffer zones

Supply and installation of over 45,000m2 of hydroseeding and 10,000m3 of soil

Installation of timber border and dune protection fencing

Supply and installation of furniture, drinking fountains, beach showers and lighting

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The project was delivered on schedule, on budget and with over 750,000 hours lost time injury free. Construction was safely and successfully delivered under heavy traffic conditions with 30,000 vehicles per day, including approximately 12,000 commercial vehicles travelling along Todd Road, Cook Street, the Westgate on/off ramps, and Williamstown Road

Engineers Australia


2016 Project Infrastructure Excellence Award