Pacific Highway Upgrade - Woolgoolga to Ballina Section 3 - North and Shark Creek Bridges

Pacific Highway Upgrade - Woolgoolga to Ballina Section 3 - North and Shark Creek Bridges

10 sites across 25 kilometres from Glenugie to Tyndale, New South Wales
$58 million
Pacific Complete

About the project

BMD Constructions was awarded the contract to construct 16 bridges on a section of the Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway upgrade along the New South Wales north coast. Located across 10 sites and over 25 kilometres between Glenugie and Tyndale, the construct only contract comprised substructure and superstructure work, including waterproofing, surfacing, expansion joints, parapets and approach slabs.


A21 - Bostock Road - 1 bridge - 2 spans

A26 - Property Access Road - 1 bridge - 2 spans

A22 - Somervale Road - 2 bridges - 1 span

A27 - Crowleys Road - 1 bridge - 2 spans

A23 - Champions Creek - 2 bridges - 5 spans

A28 - Tyndale South - 2 bridges - 1 span

A24 - North of Champions Creek - 2 bridges - 4 spans

A34 - Shark Creek - 1 bridge - 26 spans

A25 - Quarry Access Road - 2 bridges - 2 spans

A51 - Fauna Drainage 2 - 2 bridges - 1 span

Pacific Highway Upgrade - Woolgoolga to Ballina Section 3 - North and Shark Creek Bridges 2
Pacific Highway Upgrade - Woolgoolga to Ballina Section 3 - North and Shark Creek Bridges 3
Pacific Highway Upgrade - Woolgoolga to Ballina Section 3 - North and Shark Creek Bridges 4
Pacific Highway Upgrade - Woolgoolga to Ballina Section 3 - North and Shark Creek Bridges 5


As a result of working collaboratively with the client to manage changes imposed on the construction program, and overcoming complex technical issues with innovative engineering, BMD delivered 16 bridges on budget and three months early.

The project’s success is demonstrated by BMD’s ability to meet and exceed stringent client requirements, overcome the significant challenge of using client supplied precast elements for both the substructure and superstructure (1216 precast concrete elements with a total mass of 26,000 tonnes), while protecting our people and achieving superior results in environmental protection.

BMD’s focus on the value of quality workmanship and minimising re-works delivered further value for the client. By employing smart engineering solutions, BMD implemented several innovations to reduce manual handling, increase productivity and improve safety. At completion, BMD achieved more than 250,000 lost time injury (LTI) free hours – a significant result due to a large portion of the works involving high-risk cranage works and working-at-heights activities.

NSW Earth Awards
Civil Contractors Federation

NSW Earth Awards

Winner Project value $30 million to $75 million