North Brisbane Bikeway Stages 2 and 3
About the project
Installation of 250 metres of various types of fencing
Construction of 2400m2 of concrete footpaths
Installation of lighting across the 2 kilometres of road and bikeway
Construction of 4200m2 of concrete bikeway
Installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Bridge and Chalk Streets
Construction of drainage infrastructure including reinforced concrete box culverts and 270 metres of reinforced concrete pipe
Two kilometres of bikeway and footpath line marking
Detailed earthworks
To ensure the safety of, and minimal disruption to, all stakeholders, a detailed traffic management plan was implemented, scheduling works over both day and night shifts. Despite the tight project footprint, and several unidentified underground services, works were completed lost time injury free, with no service strikes.
Heritage protection was paramount to the project, with the heritage listed Albion Fire Station located within the construction footprint, and the discovery of an Aboriginal Midden occurring during works. Specific methodologies were undertaken for working near these cultural heritage areas, including exclusion zones and no vibration construction techniques.
The project team were dedicated to keeping locals up to date with construction works. Proactive measures were implemented including letterbox drops and face-to-face meetings with directly impacted residents.