Land Development

Development Area 6B Infrastructure Works

Augustine Heights, Queensland
$3.4 million
Springfield City Group

About the project

BMD was contracted for the delivery of a commercial subdivision lot, located in Augustine Heights which involved earthworks and civil construction works to prepare the lots, as well as delivery of road infrastructure and associated services. Highly experienced in urban development, the project team deployed innovative programming and construction techniques to deliver the project on time and under budget.


Construction of 4510m2 of new road pavements including imported subgrade replacement

25,000m3 of bulk earthworks exported from site

11,000m3 of bulk earthworks cut-to-fill

Provision of streetlighting along constructed roadway

Provision of two detention basins within the low point of the site

Landscaping to the kerb including feature fig trees

392 metres of water reticulation

479 metres of sewer reticulation

610 metres of stormwater drainage


Upon commencement of works, the watermain design was revised which led to delayed construction approvals. To keep the project on schedule, BMD reversed the original construction program, starting on road pavement works while awaiting watermain approvals.

BMD updated the program to construct road drainage gullies up to grate level prior to placing pavement gravel. This eliminated the requirement for re-works and reduced programming pressure on the roadworks activity.

BMD worked collaboratively with the client, designers and subcontractors to manage a redesign of the retaining wall and corresponding earthworks. This was to account for an increased live load capacity, while still keeping within the tight project schedule and budget constraints.