Land Development


Cannon Hil, Queensland
$105 million
Brisbane City Council

About the project

Minnippi was successfully delivered under a joint venture partnership with the Brisbane City Council, with the involvement of Urbex along with Empower Engineers & Project Managers, BMD Urban and JMac. The BMD businesses collaborated to develop Minnippi, a master planned residential community in the Brisbane suburb of Cannon Hill.

Located 11 kilometres from Brisbane’s CBD, the 125 hectare Brisbane City Council owned site remained undeveloped until 2015, when BMD commenced works on the remediation of the former 1974 Council landfill site.

The project delivered a 71 hectare championship 18-hole public golf course, 40 hectares of open space/squirrel guilder habitat, conservation and coastal management areas. The remaining 14 hectares defined the residential subdivision footprint.

Residential subdivision works immediately followed the tip remediation works with BMD delivering 125 residential homesites.


Critical remediation of the former 12 hectare Fursden Road Tip

installation of a permanent leachate disposal system

construction of roads and intersections

construction of stormwater drainage and sewerage infrastructure- construction of residential lots which now house more than 450 residents

construction of public golf course buildings, club house and maintenance facilities

construction of amenities such as playgrounds, shelters, drinking fountains, and park furniture

construction of 2 kilometres of path and bikeways

installation of fauna fencing and sugar glider poles.

Urbex scope

Financial structuring

Development management


Urban design

Product development

Sales and marketing


By the project’s completion, the Squirrel Glider habitat across the site had doubled in size to over 60 hectares

Weed species reduced by 80% through planted native seedlings – Over 75,000 native seedlings, 10,000 planted prior to works, reducing weed species by 80%

Minnippi Boulevard was redesigned and aligned with a non-standard profile, preserving trees and minimising earthworks

Fauna pole placement was strategically engineered based on ecologists’ advice on the Squirrel Glider population’s movements and flights paths between habitat areas

Nest boxes, fauna poles and cameras were installed to monitor and minimise construction impacts on adjacent residents and the Squirrel Glider population

Exceptional sales performance at Minnippi has boosted the value of the local area and facilitated the development of a new golf course

Resales within the estate set new benchmarks, with median house values increasing a staggering 56.75% since 2017, breaching the $2.5 million price band for housing

The first stage of land within Minnippi was released in 2016 at an average price of $518,892

In June 2022, a land release within the estate achieved a record-breaking $1,600,000 via an online auction for a prime 814 sqm homesite with a golf course view

Financial performance was exceptional returning a 61% development margin and delivering $42 million of net profit

Final land settlement occurred in January 2024