27 Jul 2023

Mitchell Freeway extension to Alkimos now complete

Perth motorists will now have easier access to the city’s northern suburbs as the official opening of the $232 million Mitchell Freeway extension to Alkimos took place on Monday 10 July, after many years of planning, design and construction.

BMD Constructions in joint venture with Georgiou have successfully completed the Mitchell Freeway Extension on time and within budget. The project forms part of Main Roads Western Australia’s long-term plan to transform Perth’s freeways to accommodate population and economic growth.

The project involved a 5.6-kilometre extension of the Michell Freeway, creating a higher standard on the north to south transport link in Perth’s northwest, including three new freeway access points. The delivery also included the development of a shared principal path, running the length of the extension.

From the outset, a priority focus for the Joint Venture and all stakeholders was the reduction of environmental impacts of the project, through both material reduction and substitution of products.

Significant research carried out in Western Australia into such a suitable material led the Joint Venture to settle on the use of Class 2 Enrobés à Module Elevé (EME2) with locally produced bitumen as a viable, sustainable material. The use of the innovative, performance-based asphalt was the first successful trial of this scale for Main Roads, as part of the reintroduction of EME2 to Western Australia.

Speaking to the project’s completion, BMD General Manager - WA, Leon Fogliani, said the Mitchell Freeway extension is a ground-breaking case study in focusing on more sustainable practices.

“The Mitchell Freeway extension marks an incredible achievement for BMD, with the team successfully delivering innovative solutions that will lessen the environmental impacts of the infrastructure development well into the future."

“BMD has a long and successful history of collaboration with Georgiou, and we are currently delivering a number of projects together across Australia, including the Tonkin Gap Alliance and the Fitzroy River Bridge in Western Australia, and the Centenary Bridge Upgrade in Queensland."

“The trial of EME2 will pave the way for future projects of the same nature and promote a state-wide focus on more sustainable practices. We are proud to have delivered on this incredible outcome,” Mr Fogliani said.

The Mitchell Freeway Extension supported around 1200 direct and indirect jobs during the construction phase and was jointly funded by the Australian Government and the Western Australian Government, with each contributing $116 million.