25 Jul 2024

Katherine gains crucial infrastructure boost for thriving residential and commercial hub

The newly completed $18.5 million Katherine East Neighbourhood Centre is set to revitalise regional expansion and boost the local economy in the Northern Territory.

The project, delivered by BMD Urban for the Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, is located 2.5 kilometres from the heart of Katherine and features six super lots and public spaces.

Paving the way for over 350 future residential lots, BMD’s scope of works involved stormwater drain upgrades to mitigate local and highway flooding, previously posing a threat during the Territory’s wet season.

The first stage of the subdivision works, comprising earthworks, roadworks, stormwater, sewer and electrical works, are now complete. In addition to these works, a new road, between the Stuart Highway and Casuarina Street, has now opened for public use.

The project supported 197 workers including 26% of the employees being Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and has laid the infrastructure groundwork for a future neighbourhood centre.

BMD achieved a first for the Katherine region, with the use of KEMROC technology attached to a 30-tonne excavator used to drill through more than 1500 cubic metres of rock to carry out sewer and stormwater installations.
