6 Oct 2021

BMD drives local employment in Central Australia

As part of our commitment to engaging with the communities in which we operate and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, BMD has focused on local employment and procurement during land development works currently underway at Kilgariff Estate in Alice Springs.

Following the facilitation of a crew from the Alice Springs Correctional Centre to install temporary fencing on the project, BMD identified that one of the individuals participating was to be released shortly and had expressed an interest in obtaining employment with BMD on the project.

“I enjoy working in carpentry and construction labouring so when I met a BMD employee after my correctional centre prison party came to site, I asked whether I could continue working on the project,” Darren said.

“I’ve enjoyed working with BMD so far, there are good people here and I am treated well and feel respected. I am keen to stay in Alice [Springs] and this opportunity will open doors to potentially working with new employers tied to BMD and the construction industry."

“Being provided with employment following my release from prison has helped me to stay focused and positive about the future,” he said.

Darren’s case worker Martin outlines why it is so important for newly released individuals to obtain full time work.

“Full time employment allows the individuals to stay focused, it gives them a second opportunity to be productive members of the community and helps them stay positive. Giving them a sense of identity shows them that they aren’t a lost cause and helps to separate them from their past addictions,” Martin said.

“It is so valuable for organisations like BMD to offer employment to individuals like Darren as it provides structure and balance, setting them up as role models to their family and community and also provides obvious financial benefits,” he said.

As a local construction and urban development contractor, BMD’s reputation is built from the successful delivery of a multi-disciplined construction service across the Northern Territory for almost 25 years. We are proud to work in partnership with local organisations who embody our values to achieve long-lasting benefits for the region.