22 Jun 2018

BMD Constructions is set to reduce congestion on Perth's Kwinana Freeway

BMD Constructions has been awarded works to transform Kwinana Freeway and improve access from Perth to the city’s southern suburbs.

The Kwinana Freeway Northbound Widening – Russell Road to Roe Highway project involves widening Kwinana Freeway to provide a third lane along the eight kilometre stretch of road.

BMD will deliver the seven kilometre section of the project between Russell Road and Bolderwood Reserve, where the works will interface with the Murdoch Drive Connection project, which will deliver the remaining section of the widening to Roe Highway.

BMD’s scope of works also involves construction of noise walls along the western side of Kwinana Freeway, subject to noise modelling requirements, upgrading and realigning principal shared paths, and modifications to drainage, kerbing, surfacing, lighting, road safety barriers, as well as service relocations, signage and line marking.

The project includes Aboriginal employment targets which align with BMD’s Reconciliation Action Plan’s aim to increase diversity in our business by providing employment, training and graduate opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Design will commence this month with construction expected to start in October this year. Upon completion in 2019, the project will reduce travel times and address congestion for road users in Perth’s southern suburbs.

The project forms part of Main Roads’ plan to transform Mitchell and Kwinana Freeways to support population growth and economic development.