Water and Wastewater

West Camden Water Recycling Plant - Stage 3

Grasmere, New South Wales
$146 million
Sydney Water Corporation
In progress
BMD Constructions_West Camden Water Recycling Plant - Stage 3_New South Wales


Construction of new inlet works to address ongoing issues of capture and surcharge negatively impacting the performance of the screens and downstream processes

Construction of four new MBR secondary treatment process to cater for increased effluent load and address the need to reduce effluent Total Nitrogen (TN) load and Total Phosphorus (TP) load achieved by four new bioreactors and membrane filtration

Upgrade of tertiary treatment process to cater for increased influent flow and address need to reduce effluent and TP load

Upgrade of biosolids digestion, thickening, dewatering, and outloading system to cater for increased biosolids production

Decommissioning works plus commissioning and handover to Sydney Water Operations team

Upgrade of site wide utilities and auxiliary services

Temporary access roads for construction and drainage as required with upgrades

Second HV feed, electrical, PLC, and SCADA upgrade works


BMD Constructions, as part of a joint venture with Downer, was engaged to complete the critical upgrade to increase capacity in line with population growth in the South West Sydney catchment area.

The project involves end to end delivery of all works from design to construction, process proving, commissioning, operation and maintenance. The upgrade is set to double the plant’s capacity, ensuring that population growth in the catchment is environmentally sustainable – both in volume and by producing high quality recycled water for agricultural and recreation use in the local area.

Key Project Highlights

Decommissioning of sludge lagoon completed with no plant interruptions

ASP1 HV Design IFC approved by Endeavour Energy

Procurement of major supply equipment, providing vendor input into BIM 360 and design

Collaboration with Sydney Water on project similar to the Richmond System Wastewater Upgrade (RSWU)

Community newsletter reached 3470 households (Q4 2021)