Water and Wastewater

Dingley Recycled Water Scheme

Dingley, Victoria
$72 million
South East Water
In progress


BMD Constructions, along with Abergeldie and KBR (as the ABK Joint Venture), is delivering Stage One – Transfer Main and Pump Station for the Dingley Recycled Water Scheme (DRWS). This key project is part of South East Water’s Integrated Planning and Delivery capital works program, focused on providing sustainable water solutions throughout Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs.

The ABK Joint Venture, along with another contractor panel, has been selected to lead this delivery model, overseeing the planning and construction of critical infrastructure upgrades over the next decade.

The DRWS is designed to supply 1800 megalitres per annum of Class A recycled water to around 40 sites. It has been designed as a constant demand system to keep the pipe sizes as small as possible. Spanning 42 kilometres, the pipeline spans across the Bayside, Kingston, and Greater Dandenong Local Government Areas.

The Dingley Recycled Water Trunk Main is the first stage of the scheme. It will carry water from Melbourne Water’s Eastern Treatment Plant to other networks that will eventually deliver recycled water to customer-owned onsite storage systems such as dams and tanks.

The completion of the scheme will significantly reduce reliance on drinking water supplies, saving 355 megalitres of potable water per year. This will support sustainable growth and responsible resource management across the region.


With a combined 85 years of industry experience and state-of-the-art management systems, the ABK Joint Venture is committed to delivering the Dingley Recycled Water Scheme to the highest standard of excellence.

The project will involve designing, building, and testing:

A 12 kilometre recycled water pipeline made of PVC and HDPE materials

A booster pump station with associated building, pipework, utilities and supervisory control and data acquisition systems

Meters and a range of valves for managing and monitoring water flow

Connections for future expansions of the system