
Thompsons Road Upgrade – Stage 1 Level Crossing Removal

Cranbourne North, Melbourne, Victoria
$50 million
VicRoads (now Major Road Projects Victoria)
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About the project

BMD Constructions was contracted by Major Road Projects Victoria to design and construct the Thompsons Road Upgrade – Stage 1 Level Crossing Removal as part of the Victorian Government’s $207 million initiative to improve safety and capacity for this vital east-west corridor in Melbourne’s south-east growth area.


Upgrading Thompsons Road to three lanes in each direction from Marriott Boulevard through to South Gippsland Highway

Major services relocations and infrastructure upgrades for power, Telstra, stormwater, sewer, drainage, VicTrack communications and signalling assets

Construction of two bridge structures over the railway line

Removal of the Thompsons Road level crossing

Construction of 3 kilometres of shared walking and cycling footpaths, and installation of lighting along these paths

Rail infrastructure and rail works including design of overhead traction wiring system modifications, management, planning and implementation of rail occupations

Construction of a new road connection at Merinda Park Boulevard

Landscaping works including spreading of 1,000m3 of recycled timber mulch and planting of 22,000 plants

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A road overpass was determined as the most feasible solution for the Thompsons Road level crossing removal because of the considerable groundwater challenges in the area. The team introduced a road-over-rail solution for the grade separation, with Thompsons Road being constructed over the Cranbourne Rail Line. Two bridges were constructed separately with three lanes each in order to minimise disruption to road and rail users.

The project was ultimately delivered safely amongst the 26,000 vehicles travelling along Thompsons Road each day. In collaboration with the client and key stakeholders, BMD Constructions developed and implemented extensive traffic management plans to ensure minimal disruption to local businesses, residents, motorists, cyclists and pedestrians during these important works.