Water and Wastewater

TasWater Plant Inlet Works

Various locations around Tasmania
$6 million

About the project

As BMD’s first foray off mainland Australia, the TasWater Inlet Works project involved the design, supply and construction of new inlet facilities to 11 sewage treatment plants across Tasmania.

BMD was engaged to undertake works across each of the sites, which required individual and diverse solutions to ensure the primary treatment requirements were met without interfering with the operation of the existing plants.


New inlet works screening systems

New inground and above ground grit removal systems

Inground pumping station

Odour control systems

Civil, structural, and electrical works and design of fully automated inlet works

SCADA integration into TasWater networks


BMD’s collaborative approach to contracting through regular joint planning and on-site meetings with the client, provided an opportunity to discuss the status, planned works and interfacing with operational requirements. This enabled works to proceed efficiently without interruption to existing operations.

95% of suppliers and subcontractors were sourced from the Tasmanian market, demonstrating BMD’s commitment to supporting the local communities in which we operate.