10 Feb 2018

Schofields Road Upgrade – Stage 3 reaches major milestone

BMD Constructions has achieved a major milestone on the Schofields Road Upgrade – Stage 3 project, successfully opening the eastbound section of the 24-span Eastern Creek Bridge to traffic.

This is the second major milestone achieved by the project since construction began in March 2016, with the team opening the brownfield section of the new eastbound carriageway from Richmond Road to Carnarvon Road, including the 10-span eastbound Bells Creek Bridge in September 2017.The project team are now focusing on completion of the project which will include opening the westbound carriageway from Richmond Road to Veron Road, and commissioning two sets of traffic signals at the Fermoy Road and Carnarvon Road intersections.

In collaboration with long-time client, Roads and Maritime Services, BMD successfully restaged the project to provide a solution which has avoided extended road closures to this busy thoroughfare and also allowed early construction of the last bridge at Bells Creek to take advantage of the dry season and mitigate program pressure.

Once complete, the project will provide a flood proof route from Richmond Road to Veron Road over Bells and Eastern Creeks in Schofields, Western Sydney. Prior to the upgrade, the road frequently flooded resulting in road closures even in relatively minor rainfall events.

BMD’s scope of works includes a 2.5 kilometre upgrade to extend Schofields road to four lanes from Veron Road, across Eastern Creek to Richmond Road, with the capacity to widen to six lanes in the future.

Pedestrians, cyclists and commuters will also benefit with segregated shared paths to be built on both sides of the road to increase safety, and bus bays and bus priority lanes at major intersections to improve traffic flow.

Project completion is expected mid 2018, weather permitting.