14 May 2020

BMD to support 3,000 jobs as part of Perth’s Tonkin Gap Alliance

Forming part of the Tonkin Gap Alliance, BMD is proud to have been selected as the preferred proponent for the Tonkin Gap Project and Associated Works.

The project will upgrade a major bottleneck on Tonkin Highway between Perth suburbs, Morley and Redcliffe and complete rail enabling works for the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line.

The Alliance comprising of BMD Constructions, Georgiou, WA Limestone, BG&E and GHD will work with Main Roads and the Public Transport Authority to deliver the projects which will create approximately 3,000 jobs.

As part of the Australian Owned Contractors association, BMD was thrilled to be awarded the project alongside fellow member and Australian owned company, Georgiou.

Made up of 12 local mid-tier construction companies, Australian Owned Contractors aims to increase the participation of mid-tier contractors in the head contracts of major public infrastructure projects across Australia.

The project will improve travel and increase safety on one of Perth’s most congested roads, while also completing works associated with the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line, a new 21 kilometre rail line that will travel from Ellenbrook’s growing town centre, down the middle of the Tonkin Highway, connecting at Bayswater Station on the existing Midland Line.

The rail enabling works includes modifications to Tonkin Highway between Railway Parade and Hepburn Avenue, replacement of the existing Broun Avenue flyover, and construction of two dive structures at Bayswater and Malaga to enable the rail line to enter and exit the middle of Tonkin Highway.

The Tonkin Highway will be upgraded to a three-lane, freeway standard road between Collier Road and Dunreath Drive, with new interchanges and bridge structures also constructed. A new Principal Shared Path and pedestrian bridge will provide an enhanced journey for pedestrians and cyclists.

The Tonkin Gap project is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian governments. Construction is expected to begin by October 2020.