23 Apr 2020

BMD flies through vital taxiway upgrade at Brisbane Airport

BMD has delivered exceptional project outcomes for long standing client, Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) through the completion of works to upgrade existing airport taxiways and associated infrastructure.

Beginning in early March, the project has extended the design life of existing airside roads, upgraded airfield lighting to LEDs, and resurfaced existing taxiway pavements to maintain compliance with airfield standards.

While not directly associated with construction of Brisbane’s new runway, the taxiway upgrade project incorporated one of the new Stop Bars where the taxiway intersects with the airport’s existing runway. These Stop Bars match those being installed on the new runway, ensuring consistency of this important safety measure across the airport’s airside infrastructure.

BMD staged the lighting upgrade to ensure the existing lighting system remained operational while the new infrastructure was installed.

To further minimise impacts to airport stakeholders, BMD reduced the required taxiway paving closure period from 16 to four days. During the four-day closure, the team profiled 15,000m2 of existing asphalt and placed 3,500 tonnes of new airport pavement.

The project was completed on time, under budget, with zero lost time injuries and a total recordable injury frequency rate of zero.

BMD’s current work at Brisbane Airport is not yet finished, with construction of Brisbane’s new runway continuing alongside CPB Contractors as the Skyway Joint Venture.