23 May 2022

BMD Urban awarded contract for Perth’s Cecil Avenue East City Centre Regeneration Program


BMD is delighted to have been awarded the contract for the construction of Stage 2 of Cecil Avenue East, as part of Perth's City of Canning City Centre Regeneration Program. Along with the Mayor of the City of Canning, Patrick Hall our very own Mick Power AM, Group Board Chairman, was in attendance to celebrate the start of construction event.

The second stage of works aims to transform the area between Lake Street and Sevenoaks Street into an attractive boulevard with mature trees, high quality paving, integrated artworks and other landscape finishes to create a metropolis feel.

As part of the upgrade, the BMD works will include site preparation and demolition, construction of roads footpaths and paved areas, traffic signal upgrade works, electrical works, landscaping and irrigation improvement works, street furniture, drainage and hydraulic works and communications works.

These works follow on from the first stage of Cecil Avenue West which was completed in 2019.

Works for Phase 2 will commence mid-May 2022 and is estimated to be completed by late January 2023.