31 Jan 2023

BMD awarded Western Treatment Plant in Victoria


BMD has entered into a $265 million contract with new client Melbourne Water to deliver an upgrade at the Western Treatment Plant in Werribee.

The project marks not only the start of our working relationship with Melbourne Water, but also our first major wastewater project in Victoria. And it builds on our increasing list of water and wastewater sector projects and the experience of our specialist team.

We're on the ground delivering this final stage of Melbourne Water's three-stage program of augmentation works to construct a new 150ML/d Nutrient Removal Plant. With the Western Treatment Plant (WTP) treating about half of Melbourne's sewage, the new infrastructure within WTP will address historical and future growth, renew ageing equipment, improve overall plant efficiency, and enhance safety for operation and maintenance activities.

BMD's scope of work includes the construction of five combined bioreactor-clarifier tanks and associated feed, waste activated sludge and effluent discharge pipeline connections along with ancillary buildings, pump stations and commissioning services. The proposed works will facilitate the elimination of current high risk maintenance works and provide the opportunity to implement lower cost, more energy efficient treatment technology through the short cut nitrogen removal process.

BMD continues to see things differently, evolving and broadening our capability across market sectors which has been key to our sustained growth. We are looking forward to delivering this important upgrade for Melbourne community.