Water and Wastewater

Teddington Raw Water Intake Structure

Maryborough, Queensland
$4.2 million
Wide Bay Water Corporation

About the project

The Teddington Weir and Water Treatment Plant provides drinking water supply for the Maryborough region and surrounds. BMD was contracted to construct a new raw water intake system, replace components in the existing station, and complete minor works to the existing structures to accommodate the new station.


Construction of a new submerged raw water intake structure and raw water pump station

Construction of two drum screens and associated air blast cleaning system

Installation of a debris deflection screen to protect the intake structure

Installation of pipelines from the intake structure to the pump station

Construction of a dry well pump station with dry mounted submersible pump units

Installation of a vacuum priming system for priming the raw water pumps

Installation of discharge pipework to the existing intake works of the water treatment plant (WTP)

Modifications to the existing WTP aerator number 1, to replace the existing aerator section

Modifications to the existing WTP aerator number 2 internal pipework, to lower the operating water level in the unit

Installation of building to house electrical and mechanical equipment

Civil works including bulk earthworks, construction of an access road, drainage, crane pad and revegetation



Keeping the existing town water supply intact and operational throughout works was critical, as well as achieving safety and environmental excellence. A large portion of the project works were completed around and under water, which posed significant challenges for the project team.A number of initiatives were implemented to ensure the works were completed without incident, including the implementation of a strict work methodology and procedures, the construction of special pontoons to accelerate installation processes and minimise construction timeframes, and the redesign of underwater structures to minimise the underwater workload. Silt curtains were also utilised to contain sediment and construction debris from entering the existing adjacent water course.BMD completed the vital upgrade on time, on budget and with no incidents, while successfully keeping the Maryborough region’s water supply fully operational throughout works.