
ACTION Buses Refuelling Infrastructure Upgrade

Belconnen and Tuggeranong, Australian Capital Territory
$3.6 million
ACT Government

About the project

BMD delivered two complete fuel system upgrades whilst maintaining full refuelling capabilities at both sites. The project involved design and construction of the refuelling and environmental controls of two bus depots located at Belconnen and Tuggeranong. The works were executed in parallel at the two sites which were located 30 minutes apart.


Replacement of the aboveground diesel tanks at Belconnen with two 80,000 litre tanks including new foundations, extension of bunding, installation of a major roof structure, and a spel puraceptor for the oily water separation

Replacement of the fuel delivery lines and delivery pumps as well as instrumentation at Belconnen

Installation of new tanker unloading facilities at both sites with remote tank selection and automatic high level shutoffs

Design and construction of the refuelling and environmental controls of two bud depots

Replacement of all bowers in order to include sumps and electronic heads allowing data capture and authorisation control

Upgrading the waste oil facilities to ensure correct environmental controls including automatic overfill protection


The project team was flexible in their approach, accommodating late changes and additions to the original scope. The design process was expediated by continuously liaising with the client throughout the project. Transparent and consistent communication with suppliers resulted in minimal delays across the delivery of components and installation of structures.