4 Nov 2020

Changes to BMD’s executive management team

Founded over 40 years ago, the BMD Group has grown from a small, family owned company to become one of Australia’s largest privately-owned construction, consulting and urban development contractors with a national footprint.

BMD’s Board of Directors

As BMD embarks on a new decade of operation, our family value remains at the forefront of our business. Effective 2 November 2020 Scott Power, Group Executive Director – Operations will be appointed Chief Executive Officer, BMD Group, with company founder Mick Power AM relinquishing his role of Managing Director. Mick will retain his position of Chairman, while Dare Power, Group Administration Manager will be appointed to the Board commencing November 2020. Dare has been working at BMD for almost 20 years and boasts vast directorship experience, with current positions including Director of Australasian Dance Collective and Trustee of the Queensland Performing Arts Centre.

The new decade brings a further changing of the guard and following on from the retirement of Construction Director Paul Fogarty from his executive role some 18 months ago, after more than 25 years’ service, Administration Director Andy Marcos, with 36 years’ service to the company, is set to retire from his current role in the business.

The contributions Andy and Paul have made to the BMD business are immeasurable and their enduring loyalty and support has played a significant role in shaping BMD into the successful business it is today.

Our future is bright

Over the past 42 years, BMD has successfully diversified the business, both geographically and by capability. Today, our business is much broader than our traditional capabilities of subdivisional construction and transport infrastructure, with BMD heavily involved in the delivery of complex civil infrastructure across a variety of sectors including ports, airports, oil and gas and resources.

Ensuring our project portfolio remains sufficiently varied across our operational markets remains a priority and BMD continues to target opportunities across both metropolitan and regional locations. This strategy remains a key point of difference for the business and provides acknowledgement of our broad capability, as well as the opportunity to expose our people to a greater breadth of experience.

There is tremendous opportunity for our team to continue to build on the foundation that has been established over the last 42 years and we will continue to drive opportunity for our people, create new jobs and new opportunities for those wanting to be part of our industry and play a key role in leading economic recovery.

As the business experiences a changing of the guard, our future will remain underpinned through the development of our people, by delivering world class infrastructure, and by employing locally based subcontractors and suppliers on our projects.

Our longstanding motto ‘our business is our people’ remains relevant and critical to our business objectives. This motor extends to the longstanding relationships we have developed with key suppliers and partners, and it is these unique relationships, along with the continued commitment and loyalty of our employees that will ensure our success, and the enduring security of our business and families.