30 Mar 2020

BMD’s approach to management of COVID-19

With the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation causing increased uncertainty, BMD is implementing initiatives and process to ensure our business is as uninterrupted as possible while prioritising the health and safety of our people and stakeholders.

We are working closely with government, both directly and through industry associations, to ensure our policies and practices reflect their expectations in terms of performing tasks in a safe and responsible way.

Domestic and international travel restrictions have been implemented, as well as self-isolation requirements for employees who have travelled internationally or been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Mandatory social distancing, wherever possible, has been implemented in all BMD offices and on project sites. Specific actions taken to ensure social distancing and a safe and hygienic workplace include:

  • splitting project breaks into shifts to accommodate social distancing requirements by limiting the number of people in crib rooms at any one time
  • undertaking regular toolbox talks to keep employees informed of social distancing requirements and good hygiene practices
  • implementing more rigorous cleaning protocols including regularly wiping down high touch surfaces
  • ensuring the availability of hand soap and hand sanitiser for all BMD employees
  • displaying educational information to communicate good hygiene practices and social distancing requirements on BMD premises
  • limiting face to face internal and external meetings by using online systems such as Skype
  • adhering to 1.5 metres between each person in head offices, project site offices and crib rooms
  • updating BMD’s vehicle policy to adhere to social distancing requirements
  • communicating to employees that they are not to come to work if they are unwell or sick
  • providing information around the symptoms of COVID-19 and advice on when people should be tested.

BMD’s priority is the health and safety of our people. The safe continuation of our operations is critical to maintaining the employment of our people and supporting the Australian economy. The nature of the construction industry means many of our people are not able to work from home, however by implementing controls and measures, and working to ensure we have necessary supplies and equipment, we will continue to maintain a safe workplace and operate effectively to achieve successful outcomes for our clients.