10 Jul 2018



As a proud Indigenous woman born in Broome and forming part of the Boonabah Tribe, this year’s NAIDOC Week theme, Because of her, we can! resonates with me on a deeply personal level.

Before I began employment with BMD in 2016, I worked for the Girls Academy in the Kimberley, assisting young Indigenous girls in their commitment and attendance of high school. During this time, I experienced firsthand the barriers that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders girls can face when it comes to completing education and reaching their full potential. This is one of the reasons why I try and be a role model, not just for Indigenous people, but more broadly to demonstrate the positive role women play in both the construction industry, and society as a whole.

As a mother, I have always tried to encourage and teach my daughter and three boys that they can do anything they want; they just need to find something they love and do it well. I believe it is important to instil this in our next generation of female leaders from a young age to help set them up for life.

With BMD being awarded a job in the Kimberley region, I have had the opportunity to return to my country and join the Bow River Bridge project as BMD’s earthworks leading hand. During my time working on the Bow River project I have been lucky enough to participate in cultural awareness training held by the Traditional Owner group, the Gija people. Two beautiful women who are Elders in their community held the training and shared with us cultural traditions including smoking ceremonies and memorial site visits. It was an absolutely amazing experience to meet these ladies and I believe it is people like them who epitomise this year’s NAIDOC Week theme, Because of her, we can!

As a woman working in a male dominated industry, I recognise the importance of being a role model for Indigenous women wanting to get into the construction industry. I hope to use my voice so that more women can follow in my footsteps. One of the ways I am keen to do this is through returning to the Girls Academy in the Kimberley to speak with young students about where a career in the construction industry has taken me. I am eager to promote to young Indigenous females a career in construction and the various employment and travel opportunities available to them.

I hope to help educate my colleagues, and the wider community by providing a voice on the importance of ‘closing the gap’. I aim to do this by using my voice on BMD’s Reconciliation Action Plan committee and encouraging participation in initiatives such as cultural awareness training and events including NAIDOC Week and National Reconciliation Week.

This week, I am proud to celebrate the contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women make to our communities, our families, our rich history and our nation. Because of her, we can!

Eulalia, Leading Hand, BMD Constructions