Community Infrastructure
Townsville Central Park Boardwalk
Townsville, Queensland
$5.1 million
Townsville City Council
About the project
JMac Constructions (JMac) was engaged for the design and construction of a 440 metre long, 3.6 metre wide boardwalk, with 1 metre cantilever, along Ross Creek in Townsville. The boardwalk formed part of the Townsville stadium precinct upgrade and provides a major pedestrian link from the stadium to Victoria Bridge and the Townsville CBD.
Construction of 130, 3.6 metre bearers and 1560, 3 metre joists including - 8500 stainless steel bolts
Installation of 400 metres of stainless steel handrail and balustrade panels
Removal and replacement of sections of the aging stormwater network under the boardwalk including stormwater outlets located below the high tide mark
Installation of 2250 decking boards with 60,000 decking screws
Construction of 500m2 concrete footpath
750m3 of bulk earthworks
Installation of 350 bollards
Laying of 6500m2 of turf
Laying of 15,000m2 of hydromulch
Installation of 260 LED pilot lights in handrail
Upgrade to stormwater infrastructure
Upgrade to street lighting infrastructure
Installation of CCTV infrastructure
The project was located in an environmentally sensitive area, adjacent to Ross Creek, and was previously used as a local landfill. To ensure no harmful impacts to the environment, all unsuitable materials were transported offsite and an aquatic silt curtain was installed in Ross Creek. Cofferdams were also installed to manage the 3.5 metre tidal changes of the creek. JMac proposed an alternative methodology to the client which resulted in substantial time savings and a cost saving of $100,000.