16 Oct 2018

Zuccoli Village recognised for environmental excellence

Urbex, a wholly-owned business of national property and construction company the BMD Group, in partnership with the Northern Territory Government’s Land Development Corporation, has received an Environmental Excellence award at the Northern Territory Urban Development Institute of Australia Awards for its development of Zuccoli Village.

BMD companies Urbex, Empower, BMD Urban and JMAC landscaping came together to develop this award-winning project, showcasing the unique vertically integrated group.

Located in the City of Palmerston just 30 kilometres south of Darwin, Zuccoli Village is a masterplanned community developed by Urbex in partnership with the Northern Territory Government’s Land Development Corporation.

Urbex General Manager Peter Sherrie said it was an absolute honour to receive the award.

“Our vision for Zuccoli Village was to create a community which would provide a contemporary lifestyle in a natural environment, featuring large open spaces and a village feel."

“We aimed to embrace the unique characteristics of living in the Top End, acknowledge its tropical climate and environment and offer an address which was available to a range of home owners.”

Winning elements in Urbex’s environmentally sustainable design include its development of streetscapes which embrace Zuccoli’s natural setting by retaining native flora and bushland and enhancing the creek-lines which pass through the development.

Housing lots are positioned to maximise solar orientation, capture breezes and overlook vegetation and parklands. Consideration has been given to the natural contours of the site to ease stormwater management for home owners and builders.

A sense of community and connectivity has been achieved by providing open spaces and pedestrian connectivity so that residents can walk or ride to key amenities such as the William Kirkby-Jones Park, with its all ability access and play equipment, and the Zuccoli Plaza a shopping centre which incorporates an IGA supermarket, gym, medical centre, chemist and coffee shop.

More than one third of the areas in Zuccoli Village Phase 1 and 2 developed to date have been retained as natural bushland, and preserving the 17 Mile Camp WWII Heritage Trail.

“The delivery of Zuccoli Village is testament to the leading consultants and industry experts we have worked with throughout the project,” Mr Sherrie said.

“Being a masterplanned community, design principles and expertise continue past the streetscape and into the homes.

“Home owners can take pride in knowing their investment is environmentally sustainable and supported by the expertise of Territory builders and local architects."

Tony Stubbin, Land Development Corporation CEO highlighted that this dedication has created a community that will continue to be appealing today and for generations to come.

“We believe we’ve been successful because we take a great deal of care in understanding what makes a community and designing them with flexibility and diversity. This award endorses the decisions we made in our environmentally sustainable design, planning and construction and recognises the level of expertise that can achieved in the Territory.” Mr Stubbin said.

Upon completion, Zuccoli Village will contain over 900 homes for more than 2,700 Territorians.