28 Aug 2018

BMD celebrated at Civil Contractors Federation SA Earth Awards


BMD’s achievements across two infrastructure projects were acknowledged at the 2018 Civil Contractors Federation SA Earth Awards held last week.

For the third consecutive year, BMD Constructions took out the Category 3 Earth Award, recognising our success in delivering iconic public spaces for the South Australian community, with previous winning projects being Henley Square in 2016 and Anzac Centenary Memorial Upgrade in 2017.

The winning project for 2018 was Prince George Plaza, delivered for City of Playford and has enhanced the northern CBD of Adelaide, transforming the space into a rejuvenated precinct which has brought the community together.

BMD worked closely with client, City of Playford to deliver a high quality asset with a focus on safety, particularly around the numerous live services in the excavation works, delivering the project on time and lost time injury free.

The accolades continued for BMD with the London Street Bridge Upgrade in Port Lincoln receiving a high commendation. Having already been recognised for Road Safety Engineering by IPWEA SA, this achievement acknowledges BMD’s capability in delivering complex bridge structures over live rail corridors.

As a relationship-based contractor, BMD worked closely with City of Port Lincoln and Tonkin Consulting, focusing on engaging the Port Lincoln community through purchasing materials locally and selecting local contractors in the project’s delivery.

Prince George Plaza will now proceed to the National Earth Awards held in November, together with BMD’s winning Treendale Bridge from Western Australia.