3 Nov 2021

BMD’s ability to overcome technical challenges results in highly commended accolade at IPWEAQ Awards

Townsville’s Southern Suburbs Rising Main project was awarded highly commended in the Environment and Sustainability category at the 2021 Institute of Public Works Australasia Queensland (IPWEAQ) Excellence Awards in Cairns earlier this month.

The project, delivered by BMD Urban for Townsville City Council and the Queensland Government, has relieved pressure on the city’s sewerage network to enhance wastewater management and cater for sustainable future growth in Townsville’s southern suburbs. Utilising innovative methodologies, BMD overcame technical challenges of scheduling works around low tidal periods, working within the groundwater table, poor subsurface materials and the treatment and disposal of 70,000 cubic metres of combined acid sulphate soil and water.

Leigh Cunningham, CEO of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland (IPWEAQ), said the peak body’s annual excellence awards recognised the success of infrastructure and engineering projects and the people who deliver them across the state.

The project has increased capacity for the key defence and economic precincts of Lavarack Barracks, the Townsville Hospital and James Cook University, supporting future population growth in the southern and western suburbs to cater for an expected 20,000 new residents.

The 11.2 kilometre pipeline includes a 3.8 kilometre high-density polyethylene trunk main running from Ooonoonba to the Cleveland Bay purification plant, and a return recycled water main to be used as part of the city’s recycled water re-use scheme. Recycled water will be available to irrigate parks, golf courses, Townsville stadium and for industrial use.

This award is one of 30 announced by the IPWEAQ at their annual conference and awards held in Cairns from 12 to 14 October.