JMac_Strand Water Park Redevelopment_Queensland
Landscape Construction

The Strand Water Park Redevelopment

North Ward, Queensland
$1.1 million
Townsville City Council

About the project

The Strand Water Park is located on Townsville’s beachfront, five minutes outside of the CBD. JMac was engaged to upgrade the iconic water park to coincide with the 150-year celebration of Townsville’s establishment.


Stage 1 saw the upgrade of the water park, involving installation of new slides and water play equipment, a dedicated toddler area, more shade and seating, and a safer design to ensure children are kept away from the road.

Following the successful opening of the first stage in September 2016, JMac progressed Stage 2 with works commencing in June 2017. Stage 2 of the upgrade involved construction and installation of additional shelters and seating including custom park furniture, lifeguard towers, feature pavements and drainage.

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JMac provided cost savings for the client by resurfacing the existing light poles. The project team also redesigned the custom, precast seating, reducing the number of segments from 28 to six and completing construction offsite. This decreased installation time drastically and positioned the project ahead of schedule.

The project site is situated 50 metres from Cleveland Bay and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Daily, weekly and monthly environmental checks were put in place to ensure that these environmentally significant surroundings were not harmed.