Royal Australian Air Force Base Edinburgh Stage 2 Civil Works
About the project
BMD effectively managed the program of works and staging to ensure the integrity and security of the site was maintained through segregated work zones which could be closed off when necessary
Upgrading of engineering services throughout the base including excavation for, and installation of, new services, stormwater drainage upgrades and two new high voltage transformers
Construction of airside ordnance loading aprons, blast resistant revetments, aircraft guidance lighting, a personnel hut and site services
Installation of hotmix surface car parking, vehicle inspection bays, detectors and new vehicle entry gates
Upgrading of fixed, active and electrical security measures to significantly upgrade base security
Upgrading of roads and pavements
A key component of the project included the construction of two 2,500m² concrete aircraft pavements using steel fibre reinforced concrete, which was a first for defence aircraft pavements. BMD carried out two trial slabs and spent several months in planning and developing quality assurance controls. Numerous refinements in the methodology and design were adopted to ensure a positive outcome, including changes to concrete mix design, water misting curing, addition of plasticiser onsite and all night pours.
Staging and security management was also paramount during construction to ensure access to secure areas was managed effectively. Traffic management and pedestrian access were monitored, ensuring appropriate access, or limiting access to the work areas during set timeframes as required. Vehicle and personnel escorts were also implemented. This ensured the project was completed with an excellent safety record.