
National Airfields Maintenance Works Package 3 – Army Aviation Centre Oakey

Oakey, Queensland
$40 million
Department of Defence

About the project

BMD Constructions was contracted as part of the National Airfields Maintenance Works Package 3, to undertake upgrades at the Army Aviation Centre in Oakey, Queensland.


Installation of new aeronautical ground lighting light fittings, series isolation transformer (SIT) and D25 pits, cables, constant current regulators (CCR's), new field circuits, and deep and shallow base cans and associated conduit network for the primary cable route

Installation of new stormwater infrastructure including SPEL stormceptors, flametrap pits, stormwater pits, channel and drain, and reinforced concrete pipes

Profiling 97,000m2 of existing asphalt and spray seal surface

Import and placement of 100,000 tonnes of gravel

Construction of 17 helicopter parking bays

Supply and installation of 105,000m2 of asphalt pavement

Application of fuel resistant membrane around concrete parking bays perimeter

Installation of two precast headwalls and rock protection at stormwater outlets

Installation of new primary duct bank across the apron

9000 metres of linemarking

Landscaping works including topsoil, turf and hydromulch


BMD Constructions worked closely with stakeholders. to build a new helicopter sloped training facility on the base. The project team also developed a strategy to manage the risk associated with water runoff on unsealed/exposed soil and/or gravel. The approach was a combination of erosion and sediment controls, staging of the works to minimise exposure, and covering of exposed materials with clean imported fill or other waterproof stabilisers. An initiative was adopted to utilise precast airfield class stormwater pits, which reduced the duration of open trench excavation, and accelerated stormwater installation.