
Robinson Road Open Level Crossing

Geebung, Queensland
$98 million
Brisbane City Council

About the project

Jointly funded by the Queensland Government and Brisbane City Council (BCC), BMD Constructions, in partnership with SMEC Australia and BCC, formed the Geebung Overpass (GO) Alliance. The GO Alliance was contracted to design and construct the Robinson Road Open Level Crossing Replacement, separating the open level crossing on Newman Road at Geebung from the through road network.


Construction of a new four lane road-over-rail overpass to join Robinson Road East and Robinson Road West

Construction of a new pedestrian overbridge with lifts and stairs to provide access for all to the Geebung rail station platforms

Extension of Railway Parade to meet the overpass on the northern side

Construction of a new signalised intersection at Bassano Street and at the intersection of the overpass and Newman Road

Removal of the level crossing and boom gates

Construction of new pedestrian and cyclist links through the area



The Robinson Road Open Level Crossing was delivered in a constrained urban environment and active rail corridor. By working collaboratively with Queensland Rail to secure use of full and single-track closures, the project team overcame significant challenges presented by the proximity of the site to the electrified rail corridor including a confined work site, as well as a unique mix of residential, industrial and retail stakeholders.

BMD’s commitment to consider the community when planning construction works and proactively engage with stakeholders, delivered positive outcomes for the project and the Geebung community. Mitigating and managing community concerns fostered high levels of community support for the project, which allowed all milestones to be met.

The project team facilitated two-way dialogues by establishing a Community Reference Group and investing in one-on-one engagement with impacted stakeholders, and minimised impacts by tailoring work methodologies and hours.

Despite an intensive construction program delivering new road and pedestrian bridges in a highly urbanised area, the project team’s commitment to best practice community relations resulted in broad community support and confidence in the project’s delivery. Community and business stakeholder satisfaction was evidenced by a key performance indicator result of 99.8%.

The project delivered on all client requirements, whilst ensuring the highest standards in safety, quality, environment, and traffic were delivered. The project was completed three months ahead of schedule, significantly under budget and lost time injury free.