Antiene to Grasstree
About the project
Major realignment of 500 metres and 670 metres of the proposed down main and up main respectively, with track slews and new track construction
Realignment of six kilometres of the proposed down main with new track construction to class 1XC standards
Minor realignment of 830 metres of the existing mainline slewing of the existing Macquarie Generation coal unloading turnout
Construction of four, five metre high gabion retaining walls totalling 4210m3
Excavation in rock and construction of fill embankments
Extension of four large cross drainage culverts
Installation of crossovers
BMD Constructions demonstrated our strong capacity to manage the complex issues associated with the works. The project team overcame challenges including working near live services, difficult ground conditions and corridor access heavily trafficked by coal trains.
The project’s success was due to the team’s ability to work under live rail conditions with minimal interruption to existing services, successfully meeting all program milestones and critical track possessions.
BMD developed and followed strict protocols for working alongside live rail within a narrow-confined corridor, ensuring the safety of plant, people and rail traffic at all times. This included clear delineation of the rail corridor and non-work zones, modified plant with limit switches, close liaison with rail stakeholders, and maintaining a continual awareness of the onsite workforce regarding the work environment at all times.
With the successful implementation of these initiatives, the project team met all program milestones including critical track possessions and achieved 310,000 hours lost time injury free.