
Kangaroo Island Airport Upgrade

Kangaroo Island, South Australia
$7.5 million
Kangaroo Island Council

About the project

Located 107 kilometres from Adelaide off the tip of South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula, Kangaroo Island is Australia’s third largest island and one of South Australia’s most popular tourist attractions. Prior to construction works being completed, the only access to the island was a Sealink ferry service from Cape Jervis, 100 kilometres from Adelaide’s CBD, or regional flights with limited capacity and no direct services from interstate.

BMD was engaged by Kangaroo Island Council to upgrade the Kangaroo Island (Kingscote) Airport including an extension and overlay of the existing runway, re-alignment and overlay of associated taxi-way and apron pavements as well as the construction of a new terminal, including upgraded cargo processing facilities, and improving and expanding on existing terminal infrastructure.


Building on extensive national air and landside infrastructure experience, as principal contractor, BMD Constructions successfully delivered the upgrade’s airside component, lifting the facility to International Air Transport Association (IATA) Class C Standards

Extension and overlay of Runway 01/19

Installation of 1200 millimetre x 600 millimetre reinforced concrete box culverts

Installation of precast concrete cover slabs over existing stormwater infrastructure

Upgrade and extension of existing edge lighting and apron flood-lighting

Removal of existing AT-VASIS and provision of new PAPI navigational aids

Upgrade of airside control room and provision of three-phase power bollards

Modification of existing grated inlet pits and provision of flame trap pits (refuelling bays)

Earthworks including swales beyond extent of site

Extension and overlay of apron pavements

Realignment and overlay of Taxiway A

Three-coat (14/7/3) spray seal



From project commencement, BMD worked collaboratively with Council in the delivery of highly innovative engineering solutions within a live air-side environment, whilst managing the interest and expectations of an invested regional community. Execution of specified inspection and testing regimes allowed for the mobilisation of specialised plant and equipment including a marco-roller, one of just a handful in use across Australia.

The project was entirely unique in the sense that works were performed on an island of less than 5,000 people. Logistical and procurement challenges extended beyond regional locality to the management of shipping, to ensure construction plant and personnel were mobilised to site in a logical and timely progression. This allowed safety to be a constant priority with the project recording over 22,000 hours lost time injury free.

Bringing a combination of local knowledge and national excellence in air-side infrastructure, BMD harnessed the benefits of utilising local subcontractors and suppliers and through upskilling left a legacy post construction. With 77% of the contract spent locally in South Australia and 16.2% directly on the island, the project injected employment opportunities across the island beyond plant and labour hire to electrical and plumbing services and the provision of construction materials.

The upgrade has allowed for 74 seat turbo-prop Cityflyer aircraft as well as 100-120 seat regional jets, activating new markets and establishing direct flights between Sydney, Melbourne and the island. The increased capacity will ultimately address commercial limitations experienced through historical time and logistical restrictions.