
Hawkesdale Wind Farm

Hawkesdale, Victoria
$60 million
Global Power Generation Australia

About the project

BMD delivered the civil Balance of Plant (BoP) works for the Hawkesdale Wind Farm in south-west Victoria. The engineering, procurement and construction contract included the construction of wind turbine foundations, access roads and hardstand areas, electrical cable installation, and construction of the operation and maintenance compound and 33-kilovolt substation.

Following successful delivery of the Crookwell II Windfarm in New South Wales, BMD again joined forces with Consolidated Power Projects, who delivered the project’s electrical scope.

The completed windfarm comprises 23 turbines with a total output of approximately 97 megawatts.

Collaboration was key to the successful delivery of the program, as well as the establishment of a permanent onsite concrete batch plant that produced over 120 cubic feet of concrete per hour.

BMD collaborated with Global Power Generation to strategically sequence critical path activities and facilitate the early commencement of wind turbine generator (WTG) foundations, mitigating wet weather impacts and providing an opportunity for the early handover and commencement of WTG installation.

Project scope

construction of access roads and hardstands areas

construction of 23 wind turbine foundations

cable trenches for the installation of wind turbines

electrical works including design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of all power cables required for the wind farm including 33 kilovolts of reticulation network, and associated earthing and communication systems

design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the 33-kilovolt substation



delivered first batch of WTG foundations ahead of schedule, allowing turbine installation supplier Vestas to mobilise their heavy installation crane a month early

Coordinated with Vestas to facilitate dimensional deliveries to allow for the construction of wind turbine towers and fit out concurrently, while completing ongoing civil works

Implementation of solar site sheds over the 2000-hectare project footprint, reducing carbon emissions and achieving a saving of $50,000

Installed a gate management system to manage access between landowners’ properties, ensuring cattle and livestock remained segregated and safe

Engaged closely with the local community, achieving over 60% local content

Strengthened community engagement by raising over $30,000 for the Western District Health Service, more than $10,000 for the Royal Children’s Hospital (Head Shave), over $8,000 for Movember, and collecting 353 kilograms of food for Foodshare