Clarke Creek Wind Farm Stage one works

Clarke Creek Wind Farm - Stage One Northern Civil Plant Works

Clarke Creek, QLD
Squadron Energy

About the project

BMD is delivering the civil balance of plant works for Stage One of the 450MW Clarke Creek Wind Farm Northern Area, 150km north-west of Rockhampton.

This includes the wind turbine foundation excavation, access roads and hardstand construction, as well as roadside drainage and environmental controls/outlets.

When complete, Clarke Creek Wind Farm will produce enough electricity to power around 330,000 Queensland homes and avoid 738,000 tonnes of carbon emissions each year.


Excavation of 23 wind turbine foundations and hardstands

Constructing 24km of access roads including clearing and pioneering across mountain ridges

Approximately 150,000m3 of drilling and blasting of rock excavations

Approximately 700,000 m3 of cut and fill bulk earthworks

Operating onsite rock crushing facilities and rock placements

Installing and roadside drainage and swales

Clarke Creek Wind Farm
Clarke Creek Wind Farm
Clarke Creek Wind Farm


Implementation of protection and management plans for native vegetation and fauna

Worked with existing BMD projects in Central Queensland to maximise local industry and workforce engagement during the creation of approximately 300 jobs during construction

Diligent project planning and coordination with other contractors onsite ensured efficient delivery of the broader project

Worked collaboratively with the client to achieve design optimisation

Motion studies and production of mass haul routes conducted to provide the most efficient movement of bulk earthworks