Engineering Design
Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program – Dampier Peninsula
Dampier Pennisula, Western Australia
The Australian Army
About the project
Empower successfully completed the planning and design of various engineering works for the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program (AACAP). Empower was engaged to deliver a multiple stage options assessment, to allow the client to prioritise infrastructure works across four remote Aboriginal communities on the Dampier Peninsula including Djarindjin, Lombadina, Beagle Bay and Ardyaloon.
The project’s scope involved investigation and consultation for the preliminary design and documentation to upgrade the One Arm Point boat ramp and access road, rehabilitation of disused borrow pits, rural intersection improvements, stormwater diversion systems, a 10 lot subdivision and an upgrade of Phillip Road into Beagle Bay.
Empower was also required to locate suitable materials for construction in this remote location. Following value engineering workshops and agreement on final deliverables, Empower delivered detailed designs, construction phase advice and signoff
A frontend engagement strategy was developed to ensure that the requirements of multiple stakeholders from various communities and all levels of government were understood, considered, and carried through into the design.
Liaison and workshops with various groups and communities were undertaken including army engineers, construction personnel, local community coordinators and engagement officers, Traditional Custodians and community Elders, Councillors, governance committees, various local and state government departments, and statutory authorities.
This strategy was crucial in the successful delivery of this project.