12 May 2021

BMD provides funding to 36 community organisations impacted by COVID-19


As an essential service, BMD was able to keep our people and projects moving throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

In recognition of the impacts felt by many of Australia’s grassroots and not-for-profit organisations that rely heavily on volunteering and fundraising through events, BMD launched our COVID-19 Recovery Community Assistance Program in late 2020.

Almost 250 applications were received across the country, with BMD ultimately providing more than $160,000 in funding to 36 organisations that benefit local communities in the areas of sports and recreation, arts and culture, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, health and wellbeing, environment, education and community initiatives.

BMD’s COVID-19 Recovery Community Assistance Program is our commitment to do our part to support our communities and work through these unprecedented times together.

BMD has a proud history of supporting local communities as we build essential infrastructure across Australia. Each year we commit up to $1 million in sponsorships and financial support to community partnerships and organisations in the vicinity of our regional offices and operational projects.