17 Dec 2018

BMD engages with remote Central Australian community during critical water infrastructure upgrade

BMD is upgrading a remote Indigenous community’s water infrastructure to improve flow to the town’s main supply feed. The project involves constructing 24 kilometres of water rising main and associated infrastructure in Laramba, 200 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs.

The upgraded infrastructure will allow for connection to two existing bores, with the ability to connect to a third water bore source in the future.

As part of the project, BMD has placed an emphasis on engaging with the local community through employment and engagement initiatives and we are proud that at the end of November, the project recorded 35% Indigenous engagement.

During November, the project team organised and facilitated a site visit for Laramba School students to visit the project and gain an understanding of the important upgrade works being undertaken in their community.

As part of the site visit, BMD donated a range of sporting equipment which will be used to support the school’s Positive Behaviour System program.

Laramba School Principal, Michael Ryan said the equipment has attracted a lot of interest from students and is a great incentive for them to engage positively in school and maintain consistent attendance.

“Only students who have attended school every day of the week have the ability to earn gold Larambar rewards which will enable them to access the Larambar Shop and purchase sporting equipment,” Mr Ryan said.

“The students who attended the trip to the Laramba water infrastructure upgrade project have reflected positively on the experience and it was great to provide them with exposure to a potential employment pathway once they finish their schooling.

“The students gained valuable insight into the industry, equipment and welding process by listening to the expert knowledge of Engineer Luke, Foreman, Terry and the BMD team.

“This was an excellent first-hand experience for the Laramba students and we are very thankful to BMD for offering us this opportunity,” he said.

The first 22 kilometres of water main has been successfully tested and commissioned, and the project is on track to be completed by late December.

BMD’s relationship based model of contracting aligns with our commitment to building relationships with local businesses and communities to gain a true understanding of remote operating environments. Our strong reputation in regional communities is built upon continued strong performance and collaboration with our clients, suppliers and partners.