Mick Power AM

Group Board Chairman


About Mick

HonFIEAust, FAICD, FAIM, South Bank Corporation Board Member, Junior Golf Foundation of Queensland Board Member, Brisbane Lions Football Club Board Member, Surf Life Saving Foundation Vice Patron, Honorary Ambassador City of Brisbane.

With a career spanning more than 50 years in the constructions and urban development industries, and more than 45 years as Group Board Chairman and Managing Director of BMD, Mick Power AM has a record of outstanding achievement as a business owner and partner.Under his leadership, BMD has grown to become Australia’s largest privately owned civil construction and urban development business with operations in the Philippines and the UK. The principles upon which he founded BMD are still strongly evident today and are reflected in the numerous long-term relationships with companies and individuals from all walks of life. His strong leadership, positive outlook and capacity to extract value from opportunities will enable BMD to realise ongoing mutual success for the organisation and its partners.